Since the dawn of civilisation, Lingzhi used to be covered under the veil of myths and legends. However, through incessant research and development works of modern medical science, the various profound therapeutic benefits of Lingzhi hace been convincingly proven one after another.
"It's simply marvellous!" - though this phrase has too often been abusted by many an advertiser, it si absolutely appropriate in describing Lingzhi as one of the most precious gifts that Mother Nature has to offer. From being a rare herb that could only be found in the wilderness in the through large-scale cultivation, and its significance in promoting human healthy has never been replaced by its peers.
in fact, ever since Taiwan's breakthrough development in perfectiog the quality of cultivated Lingzhi, we have been witnessing countiess testimonies givern by people both locally and from abroad who have regained their health through the consumption of Lingzhi formulations. the real cases that have won great admiration are simply too numerous to enumerate. Driver by this parts of the world has begun their focal research and study of Lingzhi. the results have not only been inspiring but also helped unveil gthe myths surrounding Lingzhi as a marvellous herb.